-Unable to purchase the Love Globe even though date has been changed.
-Tested most items and they save fine. If you encounter any fail save, try purchasing lesser items each time before saving. Required Tools [Download these tools | Tool's Tutorial ]:
- download above required files
- fiddler2
- chrome firefox
- Download Database from the links above.
- Open fiddler and replace database.dat and shopmystery. The rule editor are as required
- Reload Pet Society. If replaced correctly, the lines will be highlighted.
- Now just visit the MysteryShop and you will be able to purchase the new MB items old MB items and many more
- For coin cheat, just buy the pink elegant throne at 150 coins and sell at 999. Still working great.
Cheat includes:
Cash Wig Dyes
Cash Petling Biscuit Color
Petling Growth
Petling Makeover
Cat evolve to Pegasus
Petling Makeover
Cat evolve to Pegasus
Dog evolve to Bear
Coyote evolve to Lamb
Coyote evolve to Lamb
Lion evolve to Tiger
49days Nanny Battery
49days Nanny Battery
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